
irreligious Jews

  That’s why when you have irreligious Jews, they are the biggest of all nuisances. Irreligious Jews are the worst. They are the most fiery communists who helped overthrow the Russian monarchy. Irreligious Jews. And who are all the troublemakers in America? It’s a secret. You shouldn’t publicize it. But among ourselves we can say. Who were the defendants in the Chicago trials? Rubin. Friedman. Jewish names. Jewish bums. And who runs NBC, CBS and ABC? And they are poisoning the country with their television and radio programs. They are poisoning the country. All Jews. It’s an all Jewish industry. Because wicked Jews are the most wicked. And which government of the world has a woman as a prime minister? And that drafts women into the army? Jewish reshaim. Nobody else would think of that. Even Russia doesn’t have a woman prime minister. And so because the Jews are a dangerous people, it’s a dangerous tool created for a specific purpose. And therefore they need a fiery Torah. Fire is a gre


A neighbor called the police on a man claiming he married a woman under the age of 18. I don't know her actual age, but it's close to 18. The police came, threw him on the floor, zip tied his hands and feet, and kicked him in the ribs when he asked to know why they were doing what they were doing. This happened in Israel of course. I know the guy. Part of democracy is professional police conduct. The police are not employed to dish out punishment, only to prevent crimes or to investigate them. It's the job of the courts to judge guilt and issue punishment if appropriate. That's not what happens in Israel. 

No Bigger Frier

  Zionists, even so-called Religious Zionists aren’t interested in the holiness of Eretz Yisroel. In fact, they harm and reduce it at every turn with all the sin that they have brought here. What interests them is secular but worse still, what interests them doesn’t exist. Let’s briefly consider the main parts. Israel has a weak democracy. The Judiciary consists of self-appointed yentas that issue decrees based on their whims. The legislative branch, the Knesset, isn’t elected by the people. It’s appointed by parties, but it’s next to impossible to start a new party because of election thresholds. So, you get the same parties run by the same people decade after decade. They can lie to the public as Naftali Bennet did when he said he’d never join with the Arab coalition or the left and then did exactly that. Yet he is still on the political scene and is a leading candidate. You can’t get rid of these people. The clowns who oversaw the nation immediately before the pogrom of Oct. 7 are s

The myth of Israel Noble Prize Winning

People from the State of Israel have won 12 Nobel Prizes. 3 are peace prizes. One of the peace prizes went to one of Zionist terrorists who killed 17 Jews at the King David Hotel. Another of the peace prizes went to one of the Zionist commanders who sank the Altalena, killing 19 Jews. Of the remaining 9 (one in literature, not science), 4 were born and educated elsewhere, but we'll ignore that. Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden which each have roughly the same population as Israel, have 27, 22, and 32 prizes respectively.  The Netherlands, which is double the population as Israel, has 21 prizes. Denmark, which has half the population of Israel has 13 prizes. So the claim that Israel "punches above its weight on Nobel prizes" is just plain false. [This claim was made by an otherwise excellent article that defended Charedim in Israel.] If you want to argue that the Nobel Prize was started before the State of Israel was founded, Switzerland has won 16 prizes (all in science)

Israeli Society's Antisemitism Problem

(article written for the last election) Israeli Society's Antisemitism Problem   “On the Israeli side, the Jewish population in Palestine, the yishuv, was 90% secular at the time. And the leadership of the yishuv was almost totally secular. The military leadership, the political leadership. It was a very secular society. You get an optical illusion when you look back from 2016 when Israel has become much more religious or a larger part, segment of its population is religious. But in 1948 the people who counted and actually the vast majority of the population was of course non-religious. In fact they were children, or actually the people themselves, who had rebelled against religion. This is what Zionism was all about, partly, against rebelling against the old world of their fathers, which was a religious world. They rebelled also against God. So they didn’t approach the war at all as a religious war, not the generals, not the politicians, not Ben-Gurion, not Sharet, not Allon