Jews for eons have operated under the presumption that we are superior to the gentiles. This is meant spiritually and morally. It is not meant when it comes to goshmiyus. The whole idea of Esav is that he has olam hazeh. He has the big armies and the tall buildings. We have Torah. That's the religious outlook. But Zionists being materialistic people for the most part take this notion and apply it physically. Most Zionists are interested in the goshmiyus of Israel. While they falsely claim that people in Chutz don't move here because they can't give up their luxuries -- as if everybody in Chutz is living in luxury, actually, it's the people who move to Israel who tended to live better -- it is they who are materialistic because they have converted the entire religion to materialism: our own army, our own legislature, our own roads, etc. And they assume since Jews are superior (really only morally, religiously - religious Jews that is) that we are superior materially to...
Moving to the secular state of israel (SSOI) - Not Kedai for most people
Helping others to see through the false advertising and propaganda