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How they come to make ridiculous claims

Jews for eons have operated under the presumption that we are superior to the gentiles. This is meant spiritually and morally. It is not meant when it comes to goshmiyus. The whole idea of Esav is that he has olam hazeh. He has the big armies and the tall buildings. We have Torah. That's the religious outlook. But Zionists being materialistic people for the most part take this notion and apply it physically. Most Zionists are interested in the goshmiyus of Israel. While they falsely claim that people in Chutz don't move here because they can't give up their luxuries -- as if everybody in Chutz is living in luxury, actually, it's the people who move to Israel who tended to live better -- it is they who are materialistic because they have converted the entire religion to materialism: our own army, our own legislature,  our own roads, etc. And they assume since Jews are superior (really only morally, religiously - religious Jews that is)  that we are superior materially to...

All the modern conveniences -- NOT, part 6

I have talked about broken phones, clocks, sinks, smoke alarms, refrigerators, water coolers, water heaters, showers, Internet connections, phone connections, doors, light fixtures, and kitchen cabinets, keyboards, and ripped pants. I have talked about the high price of appliances, apartments, and automobiles. What about the stuff you can't even buy here? And that's not even the "modern conveniences" that Rabbi Hershel Schachter promises. I'm talking about a portable mechitza (room divider) for a shul. We looked for three years. I even spent a day in Tel Aviv looking in the handful of office supply stores. We couldn't find them anywhere and resorted to hanging disposable table covers from the old COVID plastic sheet lines that the government forced us to hang in the shuls years ago. It was a real pain in the neck setting them up every week for kiddush on Shabbos. Finally, after years, one guy found something. Same with wall mounted paper holders for displaying...

I read the news today oh boy

 Compare and contrast ssoi: The articles concern interrogation of a terrorist, a fallen soldier, airstrikes killing alleged terrorists in Gaza, Hamas and government after the military conflict is over, Hezbollah and terrorism, shooting victim, hostages, police commissioner vows vengeance on terrorists, more on killing terrorists, gunshots in Hebron. Every article about the secular state of israel is stressful and deals with violence. There are only two articles not concerning Israel: death toll from earthquake in China and elections in Lebanon.  The articles concern Gaza, military alert with Iran, Hezbollah and terrorism, a fallen soldier, hostages, Hamas, and the IDF soldier accused of war crimes in Brazil. In other words, war, war, war = stress. Cleveland, Ohio: You think of it as not one of the nicest American cities. You picture crime and rot as an example of the rust belt. (This is a myth by the way. It's a nice city.) But what's here in the news:  Data centers boomi...

A good "excuse"

  State to High Court: From 2026, IDF can recruit Haredim without restrictions The IDF will be able to recruit 3000 ultra-Orthodox soldiers in 2025, and starting in 2026, there will be no limit on the recruitment of ultra-Orthodox soldiers into the army, according to a document submitted by the state to the High Court of Justice on Wednesday morning. The state's position, submitted by Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, comes ahead of a Wednesday hearing in the Supreme Court.  From 2026, IDF can recruit Haredim without restrictions - The Jerusalem Post The Chazon Ish and many other gadolim have said that a Jew should give up his life rather than subject himself to the heresy of the israeli army.  Yitzchok Breitowitz of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, who was raised Modern Orthodox and now pretends to be Yeshivish, says, foolishly, that you need a good excuse for not living in Israel. Where there are many good "excuses," but certainly this news about the draft is another one....

Judgement at Nuremburg

I didn't realize how good I had it in America. I never knew what it was like to be hated just for being part of a group. That's frowned upon in America. In Israel, it's a daily occurrence. I guess the problem starts with the hatred of Arabs. That practices everyone to despise another group. Once you do that, you'll do it to your own. It's remarkable that a country which many people claim to be justified because of the treatment by the Nazis has so many people that use the insults of the Nazis on their own.  You know the words. Parasite. Dirty. Enemies of the state. That's what they say about the Charedim. You could find those words in many a speech in Nuremburg. And it's not just non-religious people. The Dati Leumi do this. I know a few of them who regularly describe Charedim as dirty. The mikvahs have hair in them. They are filthy I am told.  But it's not true. I can't go around taking pictures of mikvas obviously. But I'm pretty finicky about ...

The first year is hell

I hope that y ou realize by now that every utterance of aliyah pushers is a manipulation. So one of their tricks is the line that "the first year is hell." That suggests that you ignore all the evidence you are encountering about life in the SSOI and rather than leave you stay on. The suggestion is that magically - and magic is the key word - it will all get better and it will be worth it. This manipulative line takes other forms. "Don't even mention going back," is a line I heard from another yenta. I ask, "Why not?" You are not obligated to live in the land of Israel. If it is going to destroy your family, you should consider going back. Another line I heard, this time from a school principal, a very arrogant American, is "Only losers can't make it here." These are the kinds of people you encounter when you move to SSOI. They are not idealists. They are idiots. Here's a different approach to the subject. Your initial experiences are...

Opinion | Israeli Soldiers Are Falling in Vain - Haaretz

I would not have imagined that I'd share an article written by an Israeli general, but the man makes sense here and shows also what a crazy society this is. You were told that Israelis are practical and clever. Behold here what shallow, sheepish fools they are. And also, behold here how little they care about each individual soldier, despite what you were told all these years. ------------------- I will try here to address mainly the public that behaves like a dumb herd, its feet stuck deep in the swamp and its eyes incapable of seeing one meter ahead. It is living the moment, cheering and saluting blindly at local successes that unfortunately do not change the bitter direction in which we are headed in the near and distant future, and is giving the government and its leader the support to lead the citizens of Israel into a dead end, like so many sheep following the bellwether. This group of cursing loudmouths will be the first to raise the white flag when it realizes its situation...