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'How the Israeli Army Shapes Jewish Identity' by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

  Transcript Speaker 1: 0:00 For a little over a month now, since Israel's Supreme Court ruled that the Haredim have to serve in the army, there have been massive protests by the Haredim in Yerushalayim, in Bnei Brak and other places as well. Many people have asked me why the Haredim should be entitled not to serve in the army. After all, shouldn't everyone serve their country? So tonight I'm going to explain why the Haredim refuse to serve in Israel's army and why, specifically, the army of the state of Israel has no right to draft anybody, to force anybody to serve in it. Speaker 1: 0:40 Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Normal armies are designed for military purposes, to protect the country and to fight wars. But Israel's army was specifically designed to do much more than that. Besides being a military, israel's army was designed as an...

Israel in last place in Nations Brand Index according to survey by Israeli firm

article Israel is in last place in the Nation Brands Index, which was conducted in July-August 2024 by polling 40,000 people in 20 countries. The index ranks 50 countries and marks six aspects of country brand strength: policy and governance, culture, people and society, exports, migration and investment, and tourism. The study notes that Generation Z overwhelmingly rejects Israel, giving it the lowest possible scores across all parameters. The report also observes that there is a de facto boycott of Israeli products and that Israeli exports are at high risk, with a significant aversion to products labeled "Made in Israel." Israel, the report finds, is associated with global instability and according to ranking sentiments, Israel is perceived as part of the "forces of chaos" rather than those contributing to global stability. Even Israel's innovative strength does not save it in this index, and it ranks below most developed European countries and even below the ...

Home sweet home

Everybody needs a place to rest Everybody wants to have a home Don't make no difference what nobody says Ain't nobody like to be alone So sang rock 'n roller Bruce Springsteen who grew up near Lakewood, NJ by the way. And he certainly captured a truth there. Leave it to aliyah pushers to capitalize on this sentiment by telling you to "Come Home." Even the Xtians, who generally follow  like sheep  anybody else who lords over them (that's how they became Xtian in the early days), get into this. They get that line from the aliyah pushers.  Since everybody wants a home, the heart melts when it hears these sentimental words. You are living now in a civilized and affluent  country, but still it's goyish and their values are sinking fast. So why not "go home" to your own land and your own people? Now Western values are sinking fast largely because of the influence of decadent secular Jews like those in Hollywood, the new Democrat party, and now the libe...

the future?

 Is the future in Israel? Let's look at economic growth. Here's a list from the IMF of growth rates in 2024. Where's Israel? Look way down the list. It's # 172 out of 200! That's nine spots behind Botswana.  The image that aliyah pushers try to convey is of this booming Israeli economy. It's going through the roof. That's the image they shoot for. What's it based on? Nothing. Or shall I say it's based on a redirecting of faith from faith in God about a Jew being able to keep mitzvos to a secular state. The figures in the following list are from the  International Monetary Fund  World Economic Outlook Database (2024) unless otherwise specified. [ 1 ] Growth by countries and regions

Stumbling in Zionism

Zionism is a diabolical force that latches onto Jewish instincts and directs it to the idol of the secular state. Faith becomes faith in the state. The belief in G-d's infallibility becomes a belief in the infallibility of the government. Love of Torah gadolim becomes love of atheistic lunatics like Golda Meir and Yitzchok Rabin. Service to Hashem becomes service to the military. Separation from the gentiles becomes separation from anybody who questions anything that the state of Israel does. In Chabad they talk often of a pintele neshama that attaches to G-d beyond even what the intellect can grasp. Zionism latches on to that and creates an irrational bond with the secular state that you can't break. How unbreakable is that bond? Well, let's look at two people who Zionists regard as anti-Israel, whatever that means. Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. Israel haters, no? Self-hating Jews no? That's what we are told every day. I heard Noam Chomsky say recently that Haar...