Transcript Speaker 1: 0:00 For a little over a month now, since Israel's Supreme Court ruled that the Haredim have to serve in the army, there have been massive protests by the Haredim in Yerushalayim, in Bnei Brak and other places as well. Many people have asked me why the Haredim should be entitled not to serve in the army. After all, shouldn't everyone serve their country? So tonight I'm going to explain why the Haredim refuse to serve in Israel's army and why, specifically, the army of the state of Israel has no right to draft anybody, to force anybody to serve in it. Speaker 1: 0:40 Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Normal armies are designed for military purposes, to protect the country and to fight wars. But Israel's army was specifically designed to do much more than that. Besides being a military, israel's army was designed as an...
Not Kedai for most people--Moving to the secular state of israel (SSOI)
Helping others to see through the false advertising and propaganda