
Showing posts from March, 2023

It’s All About Power and Stuff

The aliyah salesman always starts by claiming that moving to Israel in our times is a mitzvah, even though it isn’t in the way he implies, because he is trying to strong-arm you. That’s how Zionists are. They are all about power and force. That’s what excites most of them about the state of Israel, that it has a Jewish army, even though it’s an army of non-practicing Jews (and Russian gentiles) who rely on American weaponry. He drools at its power (or the appearance of it). His desire that you move to Israel is not because he wants to see you fulfil a mitzvah. There are plenty of mitzvos that Jews are not doing that he’ll never mention or even notice that they are not doing. If you don’t know what I mean, step into a Zionist neighbourhood in Israel some time. Rather, he wants you to move to Israel because he wants power and that requires followers. You can’t be powerful without followers. No, he won’t be the king, but he’ll be a deputy of the king. And like any goyish royalty, he’ll bo