I just returned from a Yom HaZicharon presentation with my Ulpan class. It was my first and I went with an open mind as I hadn't had breakfast or lunch and lacked the strength to project my own perspective onto it unless really provoked. Warning, these are not the kind of reflections you may be expecting. A number of things struck me during the 45 minute ceremony which was held at a national religious school and conducted mostly by school boys. The first was how all the gestures seemed borrowed from somewhere else. The plethora of flags, the marching, the solder with the torch, the national anthem. It was all European/American military except for the national anthem not mentioning God. There was even an American military band marching song which very well could have been written by John Phillip Sousa. The second thing was how little of it was religious considering that the school was National Religious and this was an event to commemorate the dead. We Jews are specialists in...
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