And here we are

The Brisker Rav said it long ago. The purpose of Zionism is to eradicate Judaism. And here we are, the High Court of ignoramuses has decreed a draft on all Haredim. We knew this day would come. Or more precisely, the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Shmuel Auerbach, Rav Avigdor Miller, Rav Shimon Schwab and numerous other great rabbis knew it would come. They warned us. The army which tells young men “You don’t listen to the rabbis anymore. You listen to us,” is no place for Haredim. I have been in Israel for a decade, and I have met all kinds of soldiers, including the so-called Haredi soldiers and the so-called Dati-Leumi soldiers. The gap between them and a proper Haredi is a galaxy. One is religious and one is not. The Haredim can tolerate their barely religious brothers when they are going about their own business, but when they are trying to destroy them, they are no longer brothers. What about me? I’m not really Haredi but I try. I know it’s the right way. I certainly don’t interfere in their business. I wouldn’t dream of taking a sweet boy from Meah She’arim and slaughtering him in the IDF killing machine. Anybody who advocates that is an enemy of God. Of that I am certain.

We are in a war now, brought to the boiling point by some yentas who run country. Klal Yisroel is supposed to be run by wise old rabbis with beards. Now a modern woman who they call the Attorney General, who has no connection to God or Torah, has decreed that the government must implement the folly of the High Court, which has yentas of its own. Yentas are running the nation. Hashem save us from them. 

The army doesn’t need Haredim. If the military leaders hadn’t been so arrogant as to ignore reports of an impending terrorist attack, we wouldn’t be in this mess. You don’t need a universal draft to fight a bunch of hoodlums who fly kites over a fence. You just need competent leadership, which the State of Israel doesn’t have on any level. And the reason is that Zionism wrecks the mind by taking thoughts of God out and putting self-worship in. 

The skunk water that the Israeli police thugs sprayed on the protestors last night is fitting. It smells like the State of Israel, the Mistake of Israel. That’s the stench of a lie. And all of Zionism is a lie. It was supposed to bring a Jewish state. But it isn’t a Jewish state. It’s an Israeli state. You can’t be a Jew in Israel anymore. A Jew keeps mitzvos. The army beats that out of you. The Israeli government wants the Haredim to smell as bad as the rest of the people in Israel. Jews without mitzvos smell bad. So do liars and thieves.  

It’s always been tough for Haredim here. The hatred that is directed toward them is something to behold. I have been accosted numerous times. A Haredi gets more leers in Tel Aviv or even Old Beit Shemesh than he would in Selma, Alabama. Actually, he might not get any in Alabama, but he definitely will every time he’s in a Hiloni neighborhood. There’s job discrimination that I have encountered firsthand, and, as I have said, I’m not all that Haredi. I don’t walk around with a hat or jacket most of the time. The Israeli government prevents young men from getting any job training because even a day of work disqualifies the draft exemption. And as we keep trying to explain to Hilonim (and apt name for them now), who don’t understand Judaism, and Dati Leumi, who don’t understand Judaism, the Haredi aversion to the draft is not just about Torah study. The Israeli army, like any army, is a secular tyranny. It is designed with its commanders and uniforms and marching and waving flags and standing like a stiff board and saluting twenty-year olds to take over a young person’s mind to turn him into a killing machine. That’s what armies are designed to do, designed by goyim. The Zionists want to turn our youth into goyim. But worse than that, they want to brainwash these Jewish children to worship a false god, a secular state that has been intended from day one to replace the real God. 

Now, it’s beyond difficult to be Haredi in Israel. It’s impossible. We have been conned from the very beginning. Every dime that your grandmother ever sent to Israel led to this day. All the promotion of so-called Aliyah, which henceforth I shall call Yeridah, all the devilish tactics of the Zionists to chase Jews out of North Africa, to steer them from the former Soviet Union to Israel, all of that was to destroy them. I have no doubt that the devil is at the heart of Zionism, whether Zionists know it or not. The devil orchestrated all of this. 

I fear and I expect that as ugly and nasty a place as Israel was prior to this catastrophe, it’s going to get much uglier. The Israeli police, who are among the least professional police on earth are already arresting people with the charge of suspecting stone throwing. They are lying about acts of violence. This is exactly what they do to the Palestinians. We all pretended that wasn’t happening despite copious evidence. Now they are coming after Jews. They have done it before, but now it could be en masse. It was only a matter of time. We pretended that the cruelty to the Palestinians wasn’t happening. We ignored all the reports. It couldn’t be. Not the great State of Israel, that false god that can do no wrong. Not Jews. We are always wonderful. 

Well, no we are not. As I said, I have lived here for 10 years. It’s been a painful experience for the most part. Everything they tell you about this place is a lie. There’s no booming economy, there’s almost no culture, it’s a third rate democracy if it’s a democracy at all, the health care is subpar, the military is incompetent, and it’s not home. You are not among brothers. You have moved in with enemies. I regret moving to Israel with every fiber of my being. I am embarrassed that I brought my children to such a place. Will the thugs let me leave? Or will they lock me in and drop bombs on me as they do to the people of Gaza? That is the Israeli way. Arrogance and cruelty.  Did I come to Israel to be murdered by Israelis? Will "Never Again" become "Yet again but this time to heretics born to Jewish mothers"? I believe there is a real chance of it, may Hashem protect us all.



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