Escaping the Corporate World?

So do you have fantasies about escaping corporate America by coming to Israel? You can drop the fantasy because it's not only just as bad here, it's in many ways worse. Job security is even worse for the kinds of jobs Anglos take. The secure jobs are taken by the Israelis. For the immigrants, there is no security. People come in and out of the high tech sector like a revolving door. The pressures are immense, the demands unreasonable, and the people just as cut throat as on Wall St. The work hours are as bad and with the commute times, overall way worse.

You'll make friends at work, your comrades, your fellow prisoners. There are decent people here. But the bosses are the same bosses. Meet the new boss. It's the same as the old boss. Maybe you had fantasies about Jewish companies and Jewish rachamim. Maybe you have the same fantasies about the government here. Maybe you are picturing First Temple Israel. No, this is second Temple Israel. The Romans are in charge. We just live here.


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