Good for the kids?

Generally, it's not good for the kids to move to Israel.  There's all kinds of reasons for this.

1) The draft. It's a rough ordeal. Israel kids are made out of brillo so it's not as horrible for them. For a more sensitive and gentile American kid it's very rough.

2) Bullying. There's lots of it.

3) Lack of respect for you. You will not learn to speak Hebrew and they'll be embarrassed by you. You also won't be able to help them with homework.

4) Decline in derech eretz. In America, derech eretz is valued. Here it's almost laughed at.

5) Militant Judaism. People practice religion here as if they are in some kind of war. They are competitive. They are exclusionary. They drive the boys to madness with 12 hour learning days. They drive the girls crazy too with endless testing and severe school environments that are not conducive to learning.

6) Boredom. There's not much to do here. There are parks with equipment for little kids. Not much for teenagers. You won't see beautiful parks with lakes. There's little in the way of recreation. There are few concerts, few restaurants. 

7) Few life choices. The boys have yeshiva or the army, and now it could be they don't even have that choice.

One aliyah salesman told me that the future is in Israel. It's not. An Israeli man told me recently he wants to go to America because there's no future in Israel. I think he's right. The Israelis know better. They look at you in amazement that you moved here. Why would you leave the USA? It's the Anglos that are naive. 


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