Here's an idea

Since it's so easy to be a frum Jew in the year 2024, easy to keep the mitzvos while comingled with a world that's gone mad with it's gay agenda and its promiscuity and its atheism, et. al., since it's so easy functioning as a frum Jew when we no longer have the likes of R' Moshe Feinstein, R' Yaakov Kamenetsky, and the Lub. Rebbe, so easy to keep our children interested in Judaism, easy to keep marriages together, easy to earn a living in an era when housing prices are through the roof and most of the money is in the hands of the few, why don't we make our life hard and move to Israel and lower our income by 75% while increasing our expenses. We can send our kids to schools in trailers where they get shouted at all day long. We'll stay away at night worrying about terrorism and worse than that the Israeli military and its draft. Let's move to Israel with all its stress and in-fighting. We'll live in a tiny apartment, where the kids have no room to play. They can go out into the parking lot and get bullied. Let's do that because life was so easy anyway. What do you say? Great idea?


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