News on July 29.


Every article is about war or terrorism. Could this be because the Zionists disobeyed Chazal and took the land by force? 

And Aliyah salesmen continue to insist that Israel is as safe as Chutz, that we must all move into this life of violence and pain. They tell you that they must draft all the Charedim (Hashem save us) because the country is under existential threat and at the same time that it is no more dangerous than Chutz which is not under existential threat, even for Jews where the US Congress makes official proclamations against anti-Semitism. 

There's something about Zionism, it takes over the brain and shuts down all logic. That's the power of  idol worship.

The Talmud tells us: 
Rav Ashi said to him: Since you were so wise, what is the reason you engaged in idol worship? Manasseh said to him: Had you been there at that time, you would have taken and lifted the hem of your cloak and run after me due to the fierce desire to engage in idol worship and due to the fact that it was a common faith.  [Sanhedrin 102b] 

Zionism. Even scholars can get sucked in by it, just as Manasseh did to the avodah zara of his day. [Manasseh outwitted Rav Ashi in halachic debate].

And what's totally inexcusable are the Jewish leaders who not only get sucked in by the avodah zara of Zionism but trick and pressure layman into this folly as well. 


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