No Bigger Frier

 Zionists, even so-called Religious Zionists aren’t interested in the holiness of Eretz Yisroel. In fact, they harm and reduce it at every turn with all the sin that they have brought here. What interests them is secular but worse still, what interests them doesn’t exist.

Let’s briefly consider the main parts. Israel has a weak democracy. The Judiciary consists of self-appointed yentas that issue decrees based on their whims. The legislative branch, the Knesset, isn’t elected by the people. It’s appointed by parties, but it’s next to impossible to start a new party because of election thresholds. So, you get the same parties run by the same people decade after decade. They can lie to the public as Naftali Bennet did when he said he’d never join with the Arab coalition or the left and then did exactly that. Yet he is still on the political scene and is a leading candidate. You can’t get rid of these people. The clowns who oversaw the nation immediately before the pogrom of Oct. 7 are still in power. And the high court yentas closed down an inquiry into their failures. It’s the same with the Prime Minister. He is appointed by the Knesset that is appointed by parties.

Do you want to talk about the police now, the ones who arrest and abuse people at will? Israel doesn’t have huge prisons like the USA has. The punishment is in the arrest, which is violent and inhuman. That’s when the arrestee is Jewish. The Arabs get tortured. Hundreds of people have been arrested for criticizing the war, you know that war that has killed 230 soldiers and seriously wounded thousands, that war which is not against an invading army but an impractical expression of wounded ego.

The economy is nothing like that of Western or Asian countries. The start-up nation claim is a myth. A small part of the economy has start-ups. Most of the country is stagnant and corrupt. It’s a second world economy.

Medical care is also second rate. Major cities lack hospitals. You wait months for an MRI or mammogram.

Even the military capability is overrated as we saw on October 7. The IDF is dysfunctional. Many soldiers have told me that. Israel uses American aircraft to drop bombs on civilian populations.  That doesn’t take much skill. But it does require cruelty, and you’ll find that in spades in Israel. The military culture dominates the place and extinguishes the Jewish soul.

Culture is minimal here. The two museums that hold any art are difficult to get to and not so impressive once you get there. There are no science museums of any size. There is little theater, almost none of it classic theater.  With all the great Jewish musicians in the world, you’d think Israel would be brimming with them. But it isn’t. Most of them seem to be middle-aged people from Russia. In Israel, youth is wasted in the military, so the country isn’t producing much in the way of musicians. But there’s no funding for orchestras. You might get a few performances a year with a quarter of an orchestra, say 20 musicians. A medium size city in America, like Charlotte, NC has more culture than all of Israel.

The architecture is lame. It’s a sea of concrete sameness. Zionists love to see those construction cranes, but they are building ugliness.

The ingathering of exiles isn’t happening either. Israel brought a million gentiles to the land, and it caused a million and a half religious Sephardim to come here and drop their religious observance. That’s not an ingathering of exiles, which is a religious concept.

As for religion, the national religion is the military. Most of the country is shockingly non-religious. Yeshivish people who come to Jerusalem for a week have no idea what the country is really like. It is anti-religious pretty much from river to sea with a few densely populated spots like Bene Brak and part of Jerusalem that are actually religious. But those spots are a small part of the country. 85% is non-Haredi and the Haredim occupy far less than 15% of land, probably more like 1% of it. As for the Dati-Leumi they are less religious than the most Modern Orthodox parts of America. Their religion is the military.

The only good part of Israel is the Haredi communities. And now the Zionists are coming after them with the draft. The High Court decided. Isn’t that something? Klal Yisroel used to be led by righteous scholars. Now it’s lead by an anti-religious yenta.

In Israel, the biggest insult is to be called a frier, a sucker. But who is a bigger frier than a Zionist? He has built his life around a warped fantasy. Indeed, the entire purpose of Zionism is to destroy the Jewish people and sever its connection to the Almighty. Dear Lord, save us from these monsters.


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