Stun grenades on nice Jewish ladies

 As you may know, the Israeli 'police', raided the shul on Ein Yaakov St in Meah Shaarim and managed to fire a stun grenade at some women who happened to be walking by.

The raid was because men came to pray there in violation of the over recent top health ordinances. No country in the world has imposed the draconian restrictions of Israel. In Sweden, a country of similar population size, they are ignoring the virus and their incidence rate is the same as Israel's. Japan, a country of 126 million people, is ignoring the virus and has less infections and deaths than Israel.
One sees that Israel is capable of becoming a police state without blinking, such is not only its size but its militaristic mentality. Meanwhile, 800 people in Israel die each year from second-hand smoking (8,000 from smoking), but not much is being done about that. People get killed every year living in the territories, but the government continues to build there even though there's plenty of land behind the Green Line.
I haven't been more than 100 meters from my house in a month. The rules change every day and the government doesn't communicate them very well. There are no posters or fliers in my neighborhood describing the restrictions and nobody comes around telling us. So, if you don't have the Internet, you'll have no idea what's going on.
This week the government decreed that all people must wear masks when outside their homes even as many experts say masks don't help. As Fox News reported:
“Surgical masks will not prevent your acquiring diseases. Rather, surgical masks are typically used by surgeons to protect their patients from their mouth-borne germs —  but those masks don't work to prevent inhaling diseases,” Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University, and the medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases told Fox News.
Thus, the masks give a false sense of security and actually endanger people, particularly as they touch their faces to adjust the masks.
But in Israel, the government, really the security cabinet, just does what it wants. There are no checks and balances, no lawyers to consult. There's no feeling out the public, getting a sense of what people want. Just decrees from people who learn to be very bossy during their army years.
The Jerusalem Compost Heap (Post) in reporting on this placed all the blame on stun grenade incident on the Charedim of course, claimed 3 police were injured (doubtful) and 2 by-standers had only "light wounds." Their article was called, "Haredi rioters clash with police in Mea She’arim over lockdown."
A 60 second altercation that starts with a police raid on a shul is not a riot. Israelis have no clue what a riot is. They just throw around the term to justify police violence. Riots involve property damage, smashed windows, overturned cars. I have seen protests in Jerusalem, none of them were riots. It is nearly entirely passive people standing around as some of them yell the equivalent of "shame on you." Sometimes, somebody lights a garbage can on fire. That's not a riot and does not justify riot control. The proof of how non-violent Charedim are is that the police stand inches away from them. They don't do this with other groups. Most of these guys appear as if they wouldn't know how to throw a punch. They are utterly non-athletic.
What happens in Meah Sha'rim in particular is the police come storming down the street in groups of a dozen or more, armed and armored. Oftentimes, it's late at night, or in the early morning, Gestapo style. Here the raid was at midnight. They shove, shout, swing their batons. Do everything they can to intimidate. (I suspect they learn these techniques on Arab communities.) This is not the police in Iowa, USA or Manchester, England saying "excuse me sir, we have reports of code violations here. Can we talk to you for a minute?"
They smash down doors. They arrest violently. Then if neighbors attempt to thwart the arrest in any way, the 'police,' as some like to call them, really go berserk.
In response, some of the locals toss things at the police. I’m not condoning it; although I understand their desire to fight back a little bit.
Next day, the Israeli press reports a riot and tells us how the poor besieged police used all the proper methods to control it. As the Times of Israel reported on this stun grenade incident, "The police commander for northern Jerusalem, Brig. Gen. Ofer Shomer, told the Kan public broadcaster that officers had used 'reasonable' force."
The Jersualem Post backed them up:  "According to live reports from the riot, several people, including a nine-year-old girl, sustained light wounds from stun grenades used by Israel Police’s Special Patrol Unit."
Well it turns out of course that the injuries to the by-standers weren't minor at all.
What really happened:

WATCH: Chareidi Girl Hit by Stun Grenade: ‘It felt like my head was burning’
Zissy Margaliot, the 9-year-old girl who suffered injuries on Thursday when she was hit by a stun grenade, spoke about the incident, describing her experiences.
Speaking to Ynet, Margaliot said that her head felt like it was “burning” and that when the stun grenade hit her, she began searching for someone who could help her.
“They put creams on her,” her father, Dov, said. “She was in pain and couldn’t sleep all night, she’s traumatized. She was in shock at first.”
“She went to buy groceries for Shabbat and didn’t know about anything. Suddenly police appeared and as she walked innocently, they threw a stun grenade. Suddenly she had no more glasses, and she was in the middle of the smoke running as if from death” her father added.
If you watch the video, you'll see the women weren't even close to the altercation and quite obviously just stumbled upon it. When I say 'altercation,' really it was an arrest. Sometime earlier, other men attempted to thwart the arrest, some by tossing objects toward the police, but that also does not constitute a riot. It seems the women didn’t even see that.
So, the riot as they call it at that point consisted of police dragging some men down the street. It's hard to even explain why anything was fired at the women other than the incompetency and violence of the Israeli police and the intense bigotry against Charedim of the Israeli police.
Here are some pictures:
Police are at the top of the picture walking out of the frame. Women are on bottom right, just quietly watching what they walked into.

Police fire at the women.

Police fire again at the women, hitting the 9 year old.

Light wounds? Where are the photos of the injured police?

A police statement said the police "did not notice the presence of the mother and child in the eye of the storm” while dispersing the rioters.
Eye of the storm? Storm? There's a phalanx of police dragging a few men away. The women were 50 meters behind the police with nobody in between them. That's why the police didn't see them. They don't have eyes in the backs of their heads. And who created the storm? Storm troopers! The lies of the police and the press are just stunning.
You see the bigotry in the press as I just cited. You see it also all over social media coming from Zionist Jews if you can call them Jews. I have read many comments calling this a riot. Police raid a shul and that's somehow a riot. That these women brought their children to a riot. One wrote, “Charge the mother with child endangerment and for violating the Stay at Home orders and I bet this will be long forgotten.” Yes, a person, a Jewish person most seemingly, actually wrote that. He also wrote, “The photo of the girl comes right out of the movies. Who would wrap up her head like that. She had virtually no injuries.” Another said that the incident is "entirely the fault of the Charedim." Just stupid comments that stun the mind.
This along with endless encouragement to call police on Charedim who daven outdoors in minyanim, constant condemnations of Charedim for having higher virus infection rates that have as much to do with living in poverty and crowded conditions (mostly because of the draft and rules against working) as anything else. In New York City, the infection rate is the same in Jewish Williamsburg as East New York, where there are no Jews. Both are crowded and poor, that's what they have in common.
The selective policing and reporting are everywhere. Somehow only Charedi violators of the rules get attention. But what about these Chilonim in Ramat Gan? The one frum person there is 2 meters away and wearing a mask. Seems he can't pass by because the Chilonim are blocking the path.

This was reported by Yeshiva World News not in the Israel press. HYPOCRISY: Chareidi MK In Ramat Gan Stunned by Flagrant Violation Of Rules As Mayor Besmirches Chareidi Public
And this party on a military base?

These soldiers have joined hands to dance together - mixed dancing by the way in the so-called 'Jewish' state.  This is during the peak of rules about social distancing.
Interestingly, on this article you don’t find comments. You see that 0 next to the author’s name? That means no comments.

Apparently, it’s not anger about rules violation that produces comments, it’s hatred of Charedim, which really is anti-Semitism.

And what about these soldiers?

That's a lot closer than 2 meters. No outrage over this. No fines. No arrests. No stun grenades. Notice how the busiest street in Jerusalem is empty, except for soldiers? This is during the peak of the martial law rules about social distancing and being locked in your house. Doesn't apply to soldiers.
The Jerusalem Compost reported this one:
"Three tickets were given to people partying on beaches in Rishon Lezion, one ticket was given to a bakery that remained open despite being asked to close and another ticket was given to a man who transformed his car into a 'mobile bar.'
However, the article was a side piece and has no photos. If these were Charedim, you'd see big photos. It doesn't say that these were Chilonim, just people. When a Charedi person violates the rules by going to shul (a bit more of a necessity than the beach) he's called a Charedi. Also, the article will repeat all the incidents involving Charedim that it can list. The article on Chilonim doesn’t reference all the other violations by Chilonim. And note also here, no arrests, no beatings, no leaking the story to CNN, the NY Daily News, or other gentile press outlets as Israeli writers (perhaps with government sponsorship) have been doing about Charedim.

Top story on CNN last week, written by Oren Lieberman, a correspondent based in Israel. Where's the story about Chiloni beachgoers?

As bad as the bigotry has appeared to me over the last number of years, I have never seen anything like what has emerged throughout this health situation. This is like the hatred that John Steinbeck reported seeing in the faces of American Southerners against blacks in his book Travels with Charley in 1960.
For years, I wondered what European anti-Semitism was like in the 19th century. I wondered who were the reformers that Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch battled in Frankfurt. Were these really non-religious and semi-religious (as if there's such a thing) Jews who were doing everything to attack religious Jews? Who were the apostate Jews of the NKVD and the Yevsektsia in the USSR? Were they really arresting and torturing religious Jews? I couldn't picture it.
Now I can picture it. And the worst are the Dati Leumi. I can tell you now, Dati Leumi are not religious Jews. As R Yeshuha Leib Diskin said, you should excommunicate the Zionists and not count them in your minyanim, not drink their wine, not marry them. They are the enemy. They are not the enemy because of their religious laxity. They are not necessarily even the enemy because of their defiance of the Gemara and their worship of the state. They are the enemy because of their venom for Charedi Jewry. It's hard to find even gentiles who hate Charedi Jews as much as Dati Leumi do.
If you are considering moving to Eretz Yisroel, reconsider. If you are non-religious, which includes being 'Dati' Leumi, you'll only be sinning on the land. If you are Charedi, you are walking into a hate fest. Don't let any Zionist tell you that you are coming home to your brothers. You are walking into a snake pit.


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