It's a Jew doing that aveirah

 Look a car on Ocean Parkway on Shabbos. Must be an Italian. Look a car on Yirmiyahu Street on Shabbos. 90% chance it's a Jew. Look a car in Elad or Beit Shemesh or Tel Aviv or Beer Sheva on Shabbos. It's a Jew. He's driving on Shabbos in the Holy Land. Here's what the mind says, "Oh I guess Shabbos isn't such a big deal." That's what happens to you in Israel. Your respect for mitzvos decreases.

Look an untznius woman in New York. Probably a goy. Look an untznius woman in Tel Aviv. It's a Jew. Your respect for tznius goes down and your tiva goes up because a goy is a different species to which you already have a mental block but a Jewish woman is one of your own. 

And if this doesn't happen to you, will it happen to your son or daughter? Chances are pretty good. No wonder so many children of olim go down in their religious level. You want to take that chance because some rabid Zionist rabbi pressuring you to move to Israel with some tall tales about the Ramban who himself didn't move here until the last 2 years of his life?


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