Just say Hamas

Just Say Hamas

You hate Hamas. Is that your religion? Did I just name it? I detect that this is the religion of many Jews today. That is why Israel just marched soldiers into Gaza without really thinking through the repercussions. 350 of them are now deceased. Thousands are maimed. What's the rationale for this sacrifice?

You will say Oct. 7, as if you actually made a rational argument. Revenge? Are you using the soldiers to take your revenge? Why don't you march in there?

Is it to rescue hostages? That I can hear a little more. Only problem, the IDF has killed far more hostages than it rescued. Let's see. It rescued 1 by accident, then killed 3, then after about six months rescued 3. Did it rescue 2 more, is it? Yet, we are told that probably about forty of the original hundreds remain. Did hitting them fiercely prompt them to free the hostages? No. The non-soldier women, children, and elderly were freed probably because they were taken against original instructions, because supposedly taking them violates the Koran. I don't know the exact rationale but since well over 100 remain in captivity, we can say that the bombing didn't prompt Hamas to free hostages. Did the World War II level bombing kill the others? Probably. Let's just say that the rescue hostages argument only worked for about two months, not the that rescuing worked.

Is it to defeat Hamas? You think you are going to defeat Hamas? Even generals are now saying that's impossible. At some point the IDF will leave, and Hamas will likely regrow to even bigger proportions after what we did to that place.

So why do many Zionists keep saying, we have to destroy Hamas? And the answer is that hating Hamas is their religion. That word finds its way into every argument. Just accuse somebody of being a supporter of Hamas even if they just want to stop the war. Just accuse somebody of getting their funding (for say a newsletter) from Hamas (which is doubtful) to discredit their newsletter now matter what it says. Just say Hamas. Hating Hamas worshipers hear that word and get a sense of purpose, an identity. Hating Hamas is their identity. It's an offshoot of the fighting anti-Semitism identity which is modern Zionism. Take a look at the anti-anti-Semitism news, aka Arutz Sheva. Every article is about war, terrorism, or anti-Semitism. 

I don't want shock anybody's nervous system, but there is a G-d in this world. And our Sages say that anti-Semitism is a tool He uses to bring us back to mitzvos. Even though the AAS News claims to be "Religious" Zionist, it never mentions the come back to Hashem part of anti-Semitism. It just rages about anti-Semitism and how we must stop it through political means. We must name the anti-Semites and ruin them. We must kill the ones who have guns. Some of the RZs have turned that into the most important mitzvah even if it kills people who don't have guns. 

I know a man who has three boys in the army, yet he rants about how we must be in Gaza to destroy Hamas. Is he throwing his children to the hating Hamas god? I really do wonder if he'd talk this way if he had to go into Gaza.

He claims that the army has been very successful there. The army is his priest of the hating Hamas religion. Is he considering the facts? What? The IDF destroyed terror tunnels? Were the tunnels terrorizing us? They are just holes in the ground. The terrorists hide there? Let them hide there, as long as they don't cross over into Israel. To prevent that build a good fence, put a brigade next to it, and take intelligence reports seriously. That takes us back to October 6. 

What happened on October 6 is that the arrogance of key parts of the IDF didn't take the opposition seriously. They are just stupid Arabs after all, not like wonderful brilliant, valiant us. And arrogance is what happens to you when you don't focus on the real G-d, and you look to your own might to save your life, when you look at your own bicep muscle to get a sense of purpose.

So we are in a loop. The hating Hamas religion, just like the religion of battling anti-Semitism via militarism and politics take us from G-d, keep us arrogant and foolish.

It's October 6 every day in Israel. I don't mean that the enemy is about to pounce on us. I mean that we haven't done teshuvah. Hating Hamas isn't teshuvah. It's a false religion. Turning to Hashem is teshuvah.


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