Israeli police strike again

This out of control man was just so happy that he believed he got permission to behave like a beast. How did his own conscience give the permission? Oh, he surrendered that long ago. 

I can tell you so many scary police stories over here. In all my years in America, I knew only one frum Jew who was ever arrested. He had a crazy ex-wife that would call the police if he ever passed her in the street. The police would apologize to him before the arrest.

Here, I know two dozen people who have been arrested. One was davening outside during COVID. Nobody was within 20 feet of him. Another was arrested after a social worker called the police on him for nothing he ever did. They shackled him, hand and foot, they wouldn't let him use the bathroom. They denied him water. In Israel, the arrest is the punishment.

Israelis are big on calling the police. I have a friend whose landlord called the police on him for being one day late with the rent.

I have seen Israeli teenagers threaten to call the police on a man who snatched a soccer ball from them and held it for about 10 seconds after they invaded a playground where small children were playing and kicked the ball around as if nobody was there. 

This is a militaristic, police state of sorts. And they are not your friends. They are very rough. They don't have Constitutional standards. The US Bill of Rights is one of those things that you start to appreciate once you leave the US. Wow, did I once upon a time have rights? Should have appreciated it. 


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