I learned the hard way
You think you knew what you had in America until you leave there and come to Israel. A few years here and it really hits you. America is the world's empire. Everything seems to come from America, including the Jets that the SSOI flies over your head on the way to its bombing runs. Certainly, the Internet is all America, from Microsoft to Apple to Facebook to Twitter to Snapchat to Rumble to Zoom. The equipment is half America/half Asia, although it was nearly all invented in America. The Nobel prizes go mostly to America and some Europe.
On the BBC home page half the articles are about America. Even one of the princes of England moved there.
You go to work and service your American clientele. They are so polite and efficient. Then you go and try to deal with Israeli customer lack of service people. You see ads in the paper that say, tired of Israeli customer service, we offer American customer service.
Then you think, I left that place? And what did I come to? War, fighting, internecine hatred, struggles to earn a living? In America I hardly ever heard a peep of negativity about Charedi Jews, just some from ex-Charedim, nothing from gentiles. Here it's daily. And it's in the newspapers. It's in the Knesset. No American congressperson condemns Charedim. Rather, their religious devotion is praised.
In the SSOI, you are considered less than human "if you don't serve' as they call their slavery in the military. The IDF can't watch a fence and the SSOI can't get enough revenge for its own failure and now it sends boys to die to the West and North. And it insists that Charedim be a part of that. Politicians literally lament that Charedim aren't dying too. That's how crazy these people are.
America is proud of its military. In SSOI they worship it like a god. I have never seen such worship of a secular entity as Israelis of their military, even though it's not such a competent one as we have learned. I think its unarguable that the Zionists hijacked basic Jewish instincts to their project.
You see spokesmen for the SSOI enter debates on Piers Morgan and other shows. They scream, they interrupt. They sound like utter crazy people. They are self-righteous. They are boring, repetitive, dishonest. They are Cretans. And it's so embarrassing.
Now you are in the Holy Land you try to rationalize even as it's covered with non-religious and anti-religious crazy people. It's sickening really to see Jews driving on Shabbos in Israel. It makes such a mockery of the religion and it affects you. It lowers your own respect for Torah observance. You can't help but be affected.
Are you tzadick enough to live in a catastrophe of a society with limited health care, with daily battles to earn a living, with poor schools and see it as all worthwhile because you are in the Holy Land? I doubt that you are. I am not. I learned the hard way. I hope that you learn from my mistake.
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