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Just when you thought you heard it all

 I just ran into a friend in Meah Shearim. American guy. Very sweet fellow. Well, the Israel police tried to beat him to death. He was standing near a monthly march against the state. It's a peaceful march in the heart of Meah Shearim. They don't even block traffic. It's a few dozen guys in long coats. They walk down the street for around 15 minutes. He wasn't part of the protest. He was just outside as it passed.

Two undercover police thugs grabbed him, threw him to the floor, and slammed a shielded knee into his side so hard that he couldn't sleep on his side for months. They handcuffed him as one said, take him to the room.

They dragged him to a room that they seemed to know about and proceeded to try to beat him to death with kicks to the head. His head was covered in blood. The tallis that he was wearing wrapped around his mouth and he couldn't breathe. He told them so but they kept beating him.

So this was not a case of a violent arrest that got out of hand. It was not a case of anybody resisting arrest. It was two thugs who set out to brutalize another person. An those thugs are paid by the state to be policemen. Welcome to Israel. As I always say, imagine what they do to the Arabs. No wonder they hate us.

Realizing finally what they had done they poured water on his face to get the blood off, but more blood kept coming. They took him to the police station where the police there were shocked at what they were seeing. 

He was kept there for hours of course without medical care. A local lawyer came and scared them into letting him go since he has American citizenship.

His vision is impaired now. He gets dizzy all the time. And he clearly is in emotional shock. 

They took his bag and his phone and never returned it.

And for all those who spin every incident of police brutality by saying those police aren't Jewish, well these are two formerly frum.

And for all those who claim that police brutality is met with charges against the police, nothing happened at all to the brutes. It's been five months now. 

Turns out one of them has a long history of doing this and local advocates are trying to have something done about it, thus far with no success.

My friend showed me the scars on his head. They ravaged him. He's very shaken up, not himself. Says he's scared every second, imagines police charging at him from the shadows.

This is the secular state of Israel my friends. You think it's a Jewish country? Guess again. You think it's a democracy with legal processes. Guess again. Time to wake up from fantasy land and see this horrible place for what it is.

Don't even think of moving here. 
