I didn't realize how good I had it in America. I never knew what it was like to be hated just for being part of a group. That's frowned upon in America. In Israel, it's a daily occurrence. I guess the problem starts with the hatred of Arabs. That practices everyone to despise another group. Once you do that, you'll do it to your own.
It's remarkable that a country which many people claim to be justified because of the treatment by the Nazis has so many people that use the insults of the Nazis on their own.
You know the words. Parasite. Dirty. Enemies of the state. That's what they say about the Charedim. You could find those words in many a speech in Nuremburg.
And it's not just non-religious people. The Dati Leumi do this. I know a few of them who regularly describe Charedim as dirty. The mikvahs have hair in them. They are filthy I am told.
But it's not true. I can't go around taking pictures of mikvas obviously. But I'm pretty finicky about other people's dirt. They aren't dirty. I recall once directing a young visitor to a mikvah in my city and he later complained that it wasn't clean which surprised me because it looks fine to me. I suppose he's used to even better ones.
Charedi neighborhoods are dirty I am told. To me, they look the same as any neighborhoods. I work in a non-religious area. Maybe there are a few Dati Leumi people. Here's what I see there.
This junk has been out there for years. No connection to Charedim. The guys who tell me how dirty Charedim are pass by this junk all the time. But they don't see it, because that would nullify the aspersions they cast on their brothers who they don't see as brothers, but see as the enemy.
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