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Israel in last place in Nations Brand Index according to survey by Israeli firm


Israel is in last place in the Nation Brands Index, which was conducted in July-August 2024 by polling 40,000 people in 20 countries. The index ranks 50 countries and marks six aspects of country brand strength: policy and governance, culture, people and society, exports, migration and investment, and tourism.

The study notes that Generation Z overwhelmingly rejects Israel, giving it the lowest possible scores across all parameters. The report also observes that there is a de facto boycott of Israeli products and that Israeli exports are at high risk, with a significant aversion to products labeled "Made in Israel." Israel, the report finds, is associated with global instability and according to ranking sentiments, Israel is perceived as part of the "forces of chaos" rather than those contributing to global stability. Even Israel's innovative strength does not save it in this index, and it ranks below most developed European countries and even below the UAE.

The survey was compiled and published by Anholt Nation Brands Index (NBI), which was hired as a consultant by Brands Israel Inc., a private initiative headed by Brands Israel founder Motti Scherf, which aims to promote Israel's brand worldwide. Israel's brand has been in a serious situation since the outbreak of the war.

Scherf said, "Israel has lost its legitimacy in the international community and has been cast into the backyard of global affairs. It is time to acknowledge t

he failure of traditional public diplomacy and adopt innovative nation-branding models."


Israel is run by the military which is funded by the tax dollars the country takes by force from the citizens and by the money it manipulates from America. The military doesn't care about the economy. And the cabinet, which is comprised of people who were indoctrinated  in the military also doesn't care about the economy or the soldiers. It only knows war. That's the ethos of ssoi. It's not a country. It's a garrison. 
