Zionism is a diabolical force that latches onto Jewish instincts and directs it to the idol of the secular state. Faith becomes faith in the state. The belief in G-d's infallibility becomes a belief in the infallibility of the government. Love of Torah gadolim becomes love of atheistic lunatics like Golda Meir and Yitzchok Rabin. Service to Hashem becomes service to the military. Separation from the gentiles becomes separation from anybody who questions anything that the state of Israel does. In Chabad they talk often of a pintele neshama that attaches to G-d beyond even what the intellect can grasp. Zionism latches on to that and creates an irrational bond with the secular state that you can't break.

How unbreakable is that bond? Well, let's look at two people who Zionists regard as anti-Israel, whatever that means. Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. Israel haters, no? Self-hating Jews no? That's what we are told every day.
I heard Noam Chomsky say recently that Haaretz is one of the finest newspapers in the world and that Israeli engineers are top notch.
But neither of those is true. Haaretz can be refreshing at times, particularly in its willingness to question how the Israeli military is slaughtering its own soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon. Or how the bombing of Gaza is killing hostages. But it's not one of the world's finest newspapers. It doesn't have the budget. It's not objective in many areas, certainly not when talking about Charedim.
Israeli engineers also aren't top notch. Nothing in Israel is top notch. It has a junky infrastructure. The architecture is bland. There is some innovation in spying technology but not in much else. Even the finest Judaic study academics are not in Israel. They are in the USA.
So why does Chomsky say this? Because he was a Zionist in his youth and can't get over it. He just assumes all this to be true. Jews are always brilliant right? Yet, IQ scores of Jews during WWI were on the low end in the US military. How can that be? It's because of the low conditions Czarist Russia imposed on us. We lived in poverty, without education or books. So our IQs were low. We are not always smart. Put us in a sophisticated society and we do very well. At the point, we were fresh out of Eastern European shtetls, the non-religious part of those shtetls so they weren't getting a Torah education either.
Finkelstein is under the impression that Israel has a high tech society. I have talked about that. It is not a high tech society. He doesn't know. He is assuming. This place is so low tech. I have talked about that elsewhere in this blog. He still has Zionism in him. He has spent the last four years criticizing the state of Israel but still has Zionism in him.
The Brisker Rav said, two things are certain. Zionism is idolatry and everyone who lives in Israel stumbles in Zionism.
So true.
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