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What Now?

So you were conned by the aliyah pushers and here you are in the land of Israel, which theoretically would be nice, but it's run by anti-religious, anti-Charedi, anti-Yeshivish, anti-Chassidish people born to Jewish mothers - well not all of them - who follow the ways of confusion and rebellion against Hashem. They started a country by taking the land by force, in violation of Talmudic edict, an edict which warned of big trouble for violation.

The country is hostile to you. This includes Modern Orthodox and Dati Leumi people who can't even see how far they have fallen, how much they have been seduced and no longer understand that it is the Torah that makes the Jewish people. Land, language, and culture make nothing but a false identity. They don't identify with you. They identify with the non-religious, and that shows you how paltry is their religious observance.

Can you leave? Many good rabbis will tell you to leave if you can. But if you have been here a while, that can be hard to do. As Rabbi Avigdor Miller warned, your kids will become Israelis. Some of them may not even remember their birthplace and leaving could even present a kind of reverse trauma.

So like anything in life, you make the best of it. It is Eretz Yisroel. There is kedushah here. There are tzadickim here. There are good Jews with a fighting spirit. There is wisdom in the air to be grabbed. There is extra hashgacha pratis. All of that has to be good for something.

It's a relatively cruddy society. It's low class. It's crude. Health care is subpar. The police are unprofessional. But it's not the worst. It's wealthier than the Ukraine and safer too these days. It doesn't offer the freedom of religion that America offers. But it's not Soviet Russia. It's nothing like you were promised. But it's not nothing. You can make something good of it. 

It's important to live simply, save your money, and to protect your brain from zionist propaganda. And you will face it every day. Even many of the so-called yeshivish rabbis are drenched in it. Avoid them. Find a niche, find a subculture of people you can deal with.

It will be much harder to do this for your kids as they much more than the adults are forced to partake in Israeli society. But still, where there's a will there's a way.

Again, it is Eretz Yisroel. That must count for something. Rebbe Nachman says that just as a tzadick is different from regular people, even though you may not see it, Eretz Yisroel is different from other lands.

I don't recommend coming here. I believe it's osur for any Charedi, Yeshivish, or Chasidish person. Not osur only because it's a violation of the Three Oaths (but that too) but because the environment will likely obstruct the practice of your religion. It will likely play with your mental health and your shalom bayis. It could bankrupt you. Chas v'Shalom.

I believe it's osur for Modern Orthodox people too because your religious observance likely will plummet and if not yours that of your children. It's osur for the non-religious because you will be sinning on the land, but also because you will likely find out that you were sold as bad a barrel of oranges as the religious people are sold. 

But once you are here, make the best of it. And pray to Hashem for His help.  
