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Showing posts from February, 2025

Jerusalem Post: IDF Intentionally Killed Jews on Oct. 7

  The Defense Minister also admitted this on Channel 12 in Israel.  You want to live in a country like that? Is that called coming home?

All the while, she had her siddur open

Boarding a bus in a Haredi neighborhood, a frum woman is sitting in the front part of the bus, which any good frum women knows is for the men. The women's part of the bus has its own door and is actually easier to enter since you don't have to walk around the driver booth. I'd prefer to sit in the women's section as in crazy Israel, I don't like sitting with my back to people. So let's not call it the "back of the bus," because that evokes associations with Segregation. It isn't the back. It's half the bus. Actually on accordion buses it always turns out to be more than half because the women still sit in the second half of the first bus. So this woman sits in a four seater, when a one seater is available in the men's section, all by herself. Chassidic men who board the bus have nowhere to sit. The are standing, rocking with every swing around the traffic circlez. So this woman opens a siddur and starts davening pizukei d'zimra as the m...

Aliyah pushers say the darndest things

Aliyah pushers say the darndest things as do children, but children have an excuse. They have immature minds. So do aliyah pushers, but they have no excuse for this. When I was considering making yeridah to ssoi, I mentioned to a person whose mind was deranged from Zionism that the Israelis I met in New York were abrasive and kind of crazy. So an aliyah pusher always a comeback. You can do that when you fail to think and just spout memorized foolishness. He said, oh the worst people leave Israel. I heard this said in a different way. The most idealistic people move to Israel. It's an inverse of the same propaganda. I found the opposite. I have found that many of the people left ssoi because they were sane. They knew that the place was a lunatic asylum so they got the courage to leave. They are some of the best people. And those who move to ssoi are some of the worst. They aren't logical first of all. If they came with family they are completely irresponsible, living in fantasy....

What Now?

So you were conned by the aliyah pushers and here you are in the land of Israel, which theoretically would be nice, but it's run by anti-religious, anti-Charedi, anti-Yeshivish, anti-Chassidish people born to Jewish mothers - well not all of them - who follow the ways of confusion and rebellion against Hashem. They started a country by taking the land by force, in violation of Talmudic edict, an edict which warned of big trouble for violation. The country is hostile to you. This includes Modern Orthodox and Dati Leumi people who can't even see how far they have fallen, how much they have been seduced and no longer understand that it is the Torah that makes the Jewish people. Land, language, and culture make nothing but a false identity. They don't identify with you. They identify with the non-religious, and that shows you how paltry is their religious observance. Can you leave? Many good rabbis will tell you to leave if you can. But if you have been here a while, that can b...

What you do to gentiles, you will do to Jews

An Israel Defense Forces soldier is seen abusing a helpless young Palestinian who has Down syndrome. The soldier shoves him hard against a wall, points his rifle at his victim's body, threatens, curses and barks. His victim starts coughing and the soldier screams at him in Arabic: "Shut up!" And then shouts: "Where's your phone? Give it to me!" There is no phone. The soldier then demands: "ID card." The frightened young man, who is about 25, somehow retrieves his ID from his pocket, only to have the soldier fling it angrily to the ground. The soldier calls him a "son of a whore," uttering something foul about his mother, which is unprintable here, and then declares: "I am going to shoot you." The soldier spits curses at the helpless man, who coughs and begins to retch, apparently due to the pressure and fear. An Israeli police officer observes the scene, but makes no move to come to the aid of the helpless fellow, who is Samur R...

Typical day

I'll be brief. I have to travel to Jerusalem to make a change on a phone because nobody seems to be able to do it here. So I walk to the bus stop, wait with the unfriendly people, and twenty minutes later a bus comes. Then there's the 35 minute trip. So it's an hour since I left my apartment and I'm in Jerusalem.  Then I go to the light rail, wait, a packed train stops. I wait for the next one. 20 minutes after my arrival in Jerusalem, I'm at the store. But the guy who I worked with, the one who speaks good English, doesn't work there anymore. It's a tiny place so I assumed the store was his, but no. Can they fix my phone? No, the guy who can do it isn't there today. I have to come back on Sunday. So it's back to the light rail where the schedule sign is broken. A train finally comes. By this time -- and excuse the personal nature of the subject matter -- I need to use the bathroom. I can hold it in until we get to the Central Bus Station. But we get...

The different levels of aliyah pushers

All Aliyah pushers are loathsome, but there are different levels. The least loathsome, but still wrong in what they are doing, are the Israelis who have never been to chutz. They meet chutznicks in Israel and lay on them some pompous words about how everyone must live in Israel. They are inarticulate. They grunt mostly. Since they don't know the difference between ssoi and chutz we give them a little bit of a pass. But you can't tell somebody to live where you have always lived, taking for granted that you speak the language, have family there, may have property, and are used to the culture. Next up in loathsomeness are chutznicks who have never lived in ssoi who tell their neighbors to move there. It is not proper to tell people to move to a place that you have not experienced firsthand. Two months on a kibbutz doesn't count. A year in an Anglo yeshiva doesn't count. Worse than them are rabbis who do this to their congregations, who abuse their authority. Rabbi Hershel...

'How the Israeli Army Shapes Jewish Identity' by Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

  Transcript Speaker 1: 0:00 For a little over a month now, since Israel's Supreme Court ruled that the Haredim have to serve in the army, there have been massive protests by the Haredim in Yerushalayim, in Bnei Brak and other places as well. Many people have asked me why the Haredim should be entitled not to serve in the army. After all, shouldn't everyone serve their country? So tonight I'm going to explain why the Haredim refuse to serve in Israel's army and why, specifically, the army of the state of Israel has no right to draft anybody, to force anybody to serve in it. Speaker 1: 0:40 Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Israel's army is not a normal army like the armies of all other countries. Normal armies are designed for military purposes, to protect the country and to fight wars. But Israel's army was specifically designed to do much more than that. Besides being a military, israel's army was designed as an...