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Israel is boring

You're all excited about the prospect of moving to Israel. A new adventure into a place that always in the news. I have news for you. It's always in the news because it's a lunatic asylum, not because interesting things come from the place. It's in the news because it never changes its tactics. Its method is always war, war, war.

Modern Israel did not grow organically. It's the concoction of some crazy men like Herzl and Nordau. Mark Twain once said that a camel is a horse designed by a committee. That's Israel, a camel.

As a result, it's very boring. Take for example Jerusalem stone. Doesn't that sound elegant? But it isn't. It's architecture by committee, every building with the boring beige. This is a commonplace in the design world. Google it. 

OK, you are too lazy. I'll do it for you:

"Beige is so bland and boring to the point of it being a depressing color."

Beige is even an adjective that desribes a boring person:

"Baige is a slang term that originated in the early 2020s. It is used to describe someone who is boring, uninteresting, and lacks any kind of personality or character. Baige people are often seen as dull, unimaginative, and lacking in creativity."

So the committee demands that every building in Jerusalem and its surrounding areas be beige.

And that's Israel, a government mandate, not organically grown from the human story. And so you'll find that Israelis are the most brainwashed people on the planet. You thought that they had a vibrant democracy where all opinions could be expressed. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each group in Israel has a single opinion and the groups never mix.

So expect to be bored. Your eyes will be bored and your mind will be bored by this dumpy, bland place. 

From afar it seems interesting. And for one year, the change of culture will interest you even as it pains you. But after that, boring. 
