I used to work on Wall St. with a salesman who was very successful selling software that didn't exist except in rudimentary form. When I asked him how he managed to pull this off, how the clients couldn't detect his ruse, he said, "We show them what we want to show them." In other words, it was sleight of hand. Show them a bit of this, a bit that, talk real fast, sound credible, pat them on the back, and you got a sale. Then he'd hand over the account to the onboarding people who would be under insane pressure to deliver something. There was disappointment on all sides, except that he was happy that he made a sale. Note, this was at a company that won awards for being a great place to work. Such a sham. So, too, aliyah pushers, try to give the impression that SSOI is just busting with the world's greatest technology. After all, it's a country full of Jews, and Jews have won 1/4 of all Nobel prizes (178 ). However, that statistic doesn't apply to Israel...
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